Important Information:
  1. Creating an Account:
    • Enter your information first. The head of the household should be the primary account holder.
    • After creating the account, you can add other members of your household.
  2. Approval Process:
    • Your account must be approved by the City of Obetz before it becomes active.
    • All accounts will be approved as “non-resident”. Residents will need to apply for their Black Card for their status to be changed.
  3. Adding Minor Children:
    • Each minor child must have a unique email address.
    • To use your email, add "+1" right before the @ sign.
      • For example: if your email is, use for your child.
      • You will still receive all emails if this is done correctly.
    • For additional children, continue adding "+2", "+3", etc.
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If you have any questions, send us an email at

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